
invis.hk Online Shop

Group Class (4 lessons)



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Group class prices depend on “Locations” and “Day”

You can choose either “Beginner Class” or “Skills Class” to commence for the first booking

Group class highlights

  • 4 lessons, 1.5 hours each
  • Within three months of validity:
      • Can select 4 different dates for classes* (must be at least 7 days in advance)
      • Can select 4 different time slots*

    *please check and reserve the dates and times of all 4 lessons before making payment

  • Separate classes for Children and Adults
  • Maximum number of participants: 1:1-3 (Beginner Class); 1:1-5 (Skills Class)
  • Fee includes bike, helmet or protective gear rental
  • Change fee ($150-$250, included change due to sickness)
  • No cancellations or refunds
  • In case of any dispute, INVIS reserves the right to make the final decision

Group Class (4 lessons)
Please select options


Date/Time options

You can select four lessons from the following time slots on the date you prefer. This is valid for three months starting from the first lesson.

To ensure that you may able to complete all lesson within the validity period.
It is recommended to check with us the vacancies before making the payment and reserve all four lessons at once.

The level of each time slot depends on the level of the first student booked.

e.g.  If a beginner child booked on 30/02 from 09:00-10:30, the entire time slot will be a Children Beginner class.

Therefore, it is recommended to check with us before making the payment

Weekdays (every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday)

except holiday

  1. 09:00-10:30
  2. 10:45-12:15
  3. 13:45-15:15
  4. 15:30-17:00
  5. 17:15-18:45
  6. 19:30-21:00

Weekends and Holidays (Saturdays Sunday)

day off every Monday & Friday

  1. 09:00-10:30 *Shatin only
  2. 10:45-12:15 *Shatin only
  3. 13:45-15:15 *Shatin only
  4. 15:30-17:00

Course Introduction

Customer can chose either “Skills Class” or  “Beginner Class” to commence for the first booking

Skills Class

suitable for who are already able to balance and control on a two-wheels bicycle,
can progress to “Team Training” or “Discipline-specific Course” upon completion

FAQs of “Skills Class”

What to learn in "Skills Class"?

The Skills Class is designed for riders who know basic cycling, but wish to improve on their cycling skills and develop their cycling techniques on a deeper level.

Coach / instructor will adjust the course content subject to the rider’s learning progress, the content include following techniques and skills:

  • Mounting (hold position/rolling)
  • Dismounting (hold position/rolling)
  • Starting
  • Braking
  • Pedalling
  • Gear Selection
  • Cornering (Right angle turn,S turn, U turn, 8 turn)
  • Climbing
  • Descending
  • Moving around on the bike
  • Ready Position
  • Riding slowly / Stationary Balance
  • Manipulating points of contact (eg riding one-handed, riding out of the saddle)
  • Balance and coordination
  • Pull up the front wheel
  • Pull up the back wheel
  • Riding free-hand
  • Leading
  • Following
  • Riding next to another rider
  • Riding surrounded to another rider
  • Changing position in a group
  • Riding in contact with another rider
  • Use of Cycleways and Road (limit to Youth and Adult)
    • Road signs
    • Hand signal
    • Positioning on road
    • Use of junctions

You can progress to “Team Training” or “Discipline-specific Course” upon completion, upon the completion of above techniques and skills.

Where to ride in "Skills Class"?

Skills Class mainly conduct in Cycling Park or Cycleways.

Subject to rider performance, youth and adult learner may progress to learn how to cycling on road.

Am I suitable for "Skills Class"?

As long as you can start and balance without others help, you have met the basic requirements for the Skills Class.

Can I skip the "Skills Class"? I actually want to join the Team training, Road Bike Class or Mountain Bike Class...

To ensure the quality of training, all new customer is required to start from either “Beginner Class” or “Skills Class”

Coach / instructor will adjust the course content subject to the rider’s learning progress.

There is no limit to learning. Even if you think you have a certain level of cycling, INVIS is confident that you will gain something from starting from the technical class.

Beginner Class

suitable for who would like to learn to ride
can progress to “Skills Class” upon completion

FAQs of “Beginner Class”

Is it guarantee able to ride after upon completion?

The learning progression of beginners level is the most difficult to estimate.

Some learner can balance in the first lesson, while some of the learner may need to attend the course repeatedly before they can successfully balance a bicycle on their own.

Generally speaking, more than 50% of students can balance a two-wheeled bicycle on their own in the first three x 1.5-hours lessons; while most of the remaining students can do it in less than six x 1.5-hours lessons lessons.

All in all, more than 90% of the students were able to balance their bicycles on their own in six x 1.5-hours lessons lessons.

Therefore, whether it is guaranteed to learn how to ride is varies from person to person. Children may not necessarily learn faster, and adults may not necessarily learn slower.

The most important first step is to take action sign up the course

In case of learner fail to ride on their own upon complete the four lessons, learner will receive a 10% discount for the re-take course within three months from the date of last lesson.

How many lessons can be successfully learnt?

The learning progression of beginners level is the most difficult to estimate.

Some learner can balance in the first lesson, while some of the learner may need to attend the course repeatedly before they can successfully balance a bicycle on their own.

Generally speaking, more than 50% of students can balance a two-wheeled bicycle on their own in the first three x 1.5-hours lessons; while most of the remaining students can do it in less than six x 1.5-hours lessons lessons.

All in all, more than 90% of the students were able to balance their bicycles on their own in six x 1.5-hours lessons lessons.

Therefore, whether it is guaranteed to learn how to ride is varies from person to person. Children may not necessarily learn faster, and adults may not necessarily learn slower.

The most important first step is to take action sign up the course

In case of learner fail to ride on their own upon complete the four lessons, learner will receive a 10% discount for the re-take course within three months from the date of last lesson.

Other FAQs

Is there any trial class available?

In addition to offering four-lessons packages, you can find single-lesson rates on the online shop.

However, the price for single-lesson alone may be higher than the four-lessons packages.

Where are the classes available?

Group classes are only available in Shatin or Tin Shui Wai.

If you would like to take classes at another location, you may consider Private Classes.

Private class locations include: Ap Lei Chau, West Kowloon, Kowloon Bay, Tseung Kwan O, Tsuen Wan, Tuen Mun and Macau

Are bicycles and helmets included?

The fee of Group classes includes the rental of bicycles, helmets and protective gear for all lessons.

Please provide your height when registering so that we can arrange a suitable bicycle for you.

What arrangements will be made for bad weather/rain?

If class cannot be held due to bad weather, the instructor/coach will make a decision 1.5 hours before the scheduled class time.

In case of cancellation decided by INVIS, make-up classes can be made within three months from the date of cancellation.

Am I allowed to change date after reservation?

Since each class is a small class, the number of places is very limited.

Therefore, any changes to a confirmed reservation will be subject to a handling fee (including rescheduling due to illness).

The handling fee for each change is: $150 for more than 7 days before the class date, $250 for 7 days or less before the class date.

Can I change my mind to join class in weekends after purchased "weekday only fees"?

If you have purchased “weekday classes”, you can upgrade to “weekend classes” by paying the price difference + change fee.

Furthermore, if you purchased “weekend classes” but ends up you taking class on weekdays, the difference will not be refunded.

Will I not be able to reserve class within the validity period?

The level of each time slot depends on the first student to make an appointment.

INVIS recommends that you inquire with us via WhatsApp 35430033 and confirm the date and time of the four sessions before making payment.

When the reservation is confirmed, INVIS will fulfill the confirmed reservation.

However, if you do not make reservations for all four sessions when making payment, there is a chance that you may not get your favorite time.

INVIS will not be responsible if the validity period is missed due to this.

Terms and Conditions / Charges

Service subject to terms and conditions, please refer to《Genereal Cycling Service Terms and Conditions》for more details

In the event of any dispute, INVIS reserves the right of final decision.

Cancel Policy

No cancel or refund after payment

Change Policy

Charge is required for any change after payment (included but not limited to change due to sickness )

  • within 7 days on the date of class scheduled $250
  • more than 7 days on the date of class scheduled $150

Deadline for Reservation

Please reserve at least 7 days in advance. Reservation is limited to coach/instructor availability, it is recommended to check with us before making the payment.


Reservation is valid for 3 months only。

  • The first lessons must be commence within 3 months of the date of payment
  • All 4 lessons must be complete within three months upon the date of first lesson commenced
  • To avoid misunderstanding, if a class cancellation was decision made by INVIS, the valid period will be reset three months from the date of cancellation.

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